понеділок, 27 квітня 2015 р.

Good luck to you, dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues,
   I would like to share with you my feedbacks and impressions from the course of modern english vocabulary. To make good progress you need to remember several rules:
   1. Never put your homework off. It's better to do everything on time, because the more you delay - the more outstanding tasks will be accumulated. And then consequently you will have to burn the midnight oil to catch up the material.
   2. Always brush up on new words. It will help you to learn them by heart.
   3. Learn words through practice. Try to do more exercises and to use words/collocations in context.
   4. Grasp the importance of lessons. To be a good specialist you need to operate a large amount of words.
   5. Don't play hooky, because then your affairs will go badly wrong.
Believe me, if you go through these rules - you will gain good marks and make remarkable achievements.
   Additionally, remember that the great success depends on your own attitude. Underlying cause of being straight A student is to put a lot of effort in your studying and hit the books all the time.
Good luck to you and study hard!

неділя, 19 квітня 2015 р.

A Greener world

   The most harmful things that can happen in our planet are caused because of people's actions. Even natural disasters are not so global as a damage that person does. 
   Let's look at some examples. If we compare the results of some volcanic eruption and deforestation - we can clearly see, that the real environmental catastrophe are made by people, that is, in the second case. 
   Another thing that is harmful to the environment  - is dump waste. The scientist have counted that the extent of the waste amount. It will fill half of the Earth soon, if humanity doesn't learn how to recycle it properly. 

   I would like to propose an Eco-project with groundbreaking approach to do disposal of household waste. In many countries people throw away their garbage not in one pile, they just have learned how to sort it, which considerably facilitates further utilization. Yes, in some Ukrainian cities it also practices. But it isn't enough to reach the success in protecting environment, as the amount of waste is still the same, it's just sorted. It is a daunting task, but I know how to find a solution. It is absolutely vital to become  make garbage the renewable resource. For example, in some countries exist special factories that specialize in a way how to make fertilizers, biological and chemical raw, plastics and even oil from the waste. So, why can't we use the landfills to produce all these stuff?           Definitely, it requires of government a lot of money to built such factories, but we should change our ways of living because then, we just will suffer from the dire consequences. I hope that my idea will become a reality and by 2030 our humanity will learn how to protect natural habitat accurately.

субота, 18 квітня 2015 р.

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

   Being a student I recognize the importance of leading healthy lifestyle. But honestly speaking, sometimes students don't have enough time to have a hearty breakfast for example, and instead of this they have some quick snack or eat processed food. And the same with doing exercices. I would like to show you how important is to lead some rules:

I hope after reading this brochure, you'll arrive at right decision.

понеділок, 13 квітня 2015 р.


   Lucy was clever, sociable and optimistic girl. She was always immaculately grommed, her hair was sleek and she had a lovely complexion. Her slender waist made her friends to feel jealous when they saw how elegant she was. Besides, she was always adored be everyone, especially by boys and that's why her friends and classmates bore a grudge for her. They also hated that she had a tendency to be a top of the class.
   Ones, her "best" friens Anne, who was really ill-mannered, decided to make a fool of Lucy. Anne had come across with Lucy's boyfriend Tom, and started to lie meanly :

   Next day Tom came to Lucy and said that he didn't want to keep in touch with her any more. Then Lucy found out what Ann said about her. She couldn't even imagine that Ann would be transpired as such a  cruel person. And Tom...she thought he had a heart of gold but he was just a foolish and naive donkey! But Lucy was happy that she revealed their true characters . She decided to live without such sly people and just to make new friends.

четвер, 12 лютого 2015 р.

Battle of Ilovaisk

   At spring in 2014 war broke out in Ukraine and it is still continuing.The most terrible in this situation that this fierce fighting proceeds for a long time and nobody can't avert war and keep the peace. The people is dying by hundreds and almost every day emerge the new victims of war. Moreover, not only the military is dying but the civilian also.   
   I remember one episod of the war that now is called The Battle of Ilovaisk. It started on 7 August 2014, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine began a series of military operations to protect the city of Ilovaisk from Russian insurgents that encompassed this part of Donetsk. Ukrainian military guarded the biggest part of the city, but after regular Russian invesion on 23-24 August Ukrainian Armed Forces were surrounded.  
    On 29 August at night Russian President Vladimir Putin appealed to combatant to open humanitarian corridor for Ukrainian soldiers who were surrounded. At 10 am on 30 August Ukrainian military began to move out of town but Russian soldiers opened fire. Ukrainian military led a heroic fight against enemies but the forces were unequal as Ukrainians moved with scrap of weapon. Vast numbers of Ukrainians were killed, the hundreds were wounded and taken prisoner.   
   The heavy defeat urged Ukrainian authorities to negotiate Minskiy peace agreement within the contact group Ukraine-Russia-OSCE with the involvement of some separatists representatives.   
   This horrible event showed us the true face of Russian position regarding Ukraine. I can't even imagine how much of patriotism and courage our soldiers have. They stand up for all of us in this warfare and we should be thankful for keeping peace in other part of Ukraine. I know that our country will win this war and Ukraine will thrive. Let's believe in success and support our soldiers at least morally.

вівторок, 10 лютого 2015 р.

Letter to Victoria

  Dear Victoria,

   I hope you remember me. I was a little girl when we met. I had a desire to know how are you doing now, so I decided to write you this letter. I'll never forger how much you've done for me, especially how you've been helped me to get accustomed to living in new country. You were the only one person, who impulses me to get the hang of living in America. You've helped me to overcome the cultural shock and you've amused me when I felt nostalgia for my native country, for Italy.
   Now, 5 years have passed. My life changed and I'm sure yours also. I'm living in West America, near Washington. As you know, after had being fled from terrible war in Italy, our family settled in a small guesthouse. At that time I met you, remember? Unfortunatelly, our friendship has been lasted not for a long time, because my daddy said we had to get around, as in West America live some our relatives and we could live better there. I didn't understand as it happened so fast, I didn't even say goodbay to you, dear Victoria. I'm really sory. I promise that I'll get away from home and come to you. But now I want to tell you a little what happened with me during these 5 years that we didn't communicate.
   At first, when we arrived at new place I felt how alone I am. My father worked all the time in bakery. He tried to make his bussiness thriving and that's why he spend all his time on the work. My younger brother Tim couldn't get acclimatized to the new place and he constantly was getting  ill. My mother had to treat him all the time and all of household choires I did. But I had to undergo all of these.I tried to retain our house clean and cosy. I remember how you told me that you slept in the kitchen on warm carpet outspreaded on the floor. I slept in the similar conditions, my carper just outspreaded in the hall, as our kitchen was too little to sleep there. At summer I slept in the open air in the hammock as it was more comfortable. It was only one thing of which I got pleasure out.
You know, in my house at the tiny attic I found an old gramophone with one record. I listened to it and remembered how we listened to foxtrot together. It was such a charming time!
   I'd like that you tell me about your life, how are you and your parents doing now. I'll be looking forward for your answer!

Love, Rosalia