пʼятницю, 6 лютого 2015 р.

Improving educational system

    Whether people give some thoughts to importance and quality of education? Probably yes, but not everyone. As we can see, in our world works the system of education that is usual for people and it doesn't change radically during almost 300 years. Of course some changes happened and they caused marked improvement. But the rough idea is still the same because people have a firm conviction that such a system is good. It has been functioning for many years and it establishes everybody at first sight. But honestly think it's not. All people are different, as well as we live in a different time. Now is the 21st century and I think every person is entitled to get an education as she or he wants and can.     
    I'm studying at Ostrog Academy and I want to say that I like almost everything in educational process. There are few drawbacks but of course nothing is ideal. I know that our university tries to keep up with Europinian universities, that's why I'm sure that through a few year, OA will meet the entry requirements of even the most demanding and Honor Roll students.Here, I want to present some of my ideas which in my opinion would help to improve the educational system. These ideas are not specifically related to my university but it refers educational system by and large.

   1. Lectures, Lessons, Courses. (LLC)

I think every student can choose on which LLC he or she wants to go. Naturally, student must attend the core subjects (in my case everything that connects with English and French). But what about everything else? We have a lot of subjects which noway connect with future profession, for example Low, Sociology, History etc. I clearly grasp the importance of such subjects because students must have common knowledge in different spheres. But we could pay less attention to these subjects, for example not to pass any final tests or exams. If the LLC were interesting, students would get all required knowledge from them.   
   2. Interest of LLC
If the teachers want that their LLC attend a lot of students, they must create them interesting and exciting. There are a lot of teachers who subscribe to the theory that they must come in to classroom, to read some information from the papers which students have to note, and done! And it's the first reason why students play hooky. It's easy to make LLC more interesting, for example its good idea to play some game or conduct some training. Also, it's great when the material gives like visual presentation on the projector into which teacher can include some pictures or videos.   
   3. Working in small groups
Working with few students is more productive than working with huge group of people. I'm really happy that such rule is functioning in our university. From my own experience I can make a counclusion that such work helps to do a subject more properly and successfully. It gives an opportunity to each student to show initiative in work and to get marks more often. Also, with small group of students teacher can organize different group projects which distract from boring usual lessons and permanent cramming.  
    4. Group Projects and Seminars
As I said it's perfect when on the LLC students don't get boredom and don't feel lack of interest. Group projects and seminars will bring students together in one work. Constant dialogue in the game form will help to learn the material by heart and in addition to have some fun.   
   I hope in the near future the educational system will be perfect. But we should bear in mind that the main rule of successful education is to have a thirst for knowledge and have a wish for developing intelligence.

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